Dear Partner,
We trust this message finds you in good health and spirits.
June is one of the most picturesque months in Toronto. The parks are full of laughter from children at play, cyclists enjoy leisurely rides through the countryside, and the streets are alive with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and just-baked bread, enticing throngs of shoppers.
For us at the Great Lakes College of Toronto (GLCT), June is not just about the beauty of the season but also a time of celebration and acknowledgement. We take pride in our graduating students who have completed their high school journey and are preparing to embark on their university adventures come September.
As always, we proudly announce that 100 % of our students made it into top universities and colleges worldwide. 60 % have received scholarships, 69 % will continue their studies in Canada, 11 % have chosen Australia and New Zealand, and 20 % have chosen Europe and other continents for their further education.
We want to seize this moment to share our university acceptance statistics with you. This data is a testament to the high-quality yet affordable education that GLCT offers – arguably one of the best in Canada.
We invite you to click the graduation photos at the following link. We hope you’ll join us in wishing our graduates the best in their post-secondary education and future endeavours.
If you want to learn more about our school or wish to sign up for our agent agreement, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your time, and here’s wishing you a delightful summer.
Best Regards,
Great Lakes College of Toronto