
3 Ways Private School Students Can Make Their University Applications Stand Out

To choose successful candidates from the thousands of university applications recruiters receive each year, they consider various factors when looking at your application. They want to know that prospective students have the academic skills, enthusiasm, and personal comportment that best represents their values as an institution.

If you’re a student looking to get accepted into a North American university, it will certainly be worthwhile to do extensive research on the schools and programs that interest you the most. This way, you can discover what makes you a perfect fit for your universities of choice and how you can convince recruiters to see that. Here at GLCT, our students receive plenty of support from the guidance department while researching and applying to universities. Still, there are many more ways that students can further bolster their chances of standing out to their schools of choice. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Aim to Achieve High Grades in Our Private School Classes

Admissions criteria for North American universities vary greatly by school and program, but prospects generally benefit from higher grades. To keep their options open, our students are encouraged to aim high academically and given all the tools and support they need to achieve their goals. Our private school students have access to a multi-functional guidance department that provides admissions requirement information, course descriptions, and calendars for their schools of choice. Using that information, students collaborate with their guidance counselors to create actionable, individualized plans to achieve their desired grades. Even with excellent grades, competition is fierce, and numbers are only one part of a successful university application.

Use the resources provided by our fast track university prep school to raise your grades.

2. Look For Work or Volunteer Experience Related to Your Major

Post-secondary institutions are looking for students with both excellent academic ability and a passion for their topic of study. Getting a part-time job or volunteering opportunity relevant to your desired major can demonstrate dedication, discipline, excellent time-management skills, and enthusiasm about the career path you’re interested in pursuing. Students in our fast track university prep school do well in getting involved in activities that relate to their desired major but are encouraged to seek balance to avoid getting overwhelmed.

3. Curate Your Social Media Persona Carefully

One survey done by Kaplan found that 36% of admissions officers check their applicants’ social media profiles. As the role of social media in daily life becomes more pervasive, this number might increase. Today, admissions offers are often rescinded because of social media content from the past. For this reason, students are encouraged to carefully curate their profiles to represent themselves as responsible, active community members who will positively contribute to any post-secondary institution.

Private school students should be thoughtful about their social media presence.

When you take advantage of the many resources we provide here at GLCT to raise your grades and participate in relevant activities, you can rest assured that an acceptance letter is in your near future.

Interested in attending a private school in Toronto?

Contact the Great Lakes College of Toronto to learn more!

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