Academic Dishonesty Policy

Academic Dishonesty is broadly understood to mean offences against the academic integrity of the learning environment. This would include, but is not limited, to the following:

  • Copying from another student or making information available to another student for the purpose of copying during a test/examination/quiz or for individual/group assignments.
  • Failing to follow the instructions of the presiding teacher during an examination.
  • Submitting any written work (electronic or hard copy) in whole or in part which has been written by someone else.
  • Using direct quotations or paraphrased material in any assignment without giving the proper acknowledgement per the GLCT Style Guide.


One form of academic dishonesty is plagiarism. Plagiarism is usually defines as presenting someone’s words and ideas as one’s own. It can take many forms, including the following:

  • submitting an essay/assignment written by someone else, e.g. buying an essay online, downloading an essay from a free website, having someone else complete one’s assignment or copying or using work done by another student (including homework).
  • Piecing together material from one or several sources and adding only linking sentences.
  • Quoting or paraphrasing material without citing the source of the material, including books, magazines, drawings in print or electronic form.
  • Not providing quotation marks for the direct quotations – even if sources have been cited.

To ensure academic honesty and avoid instances of plagiarism, students are expected to:

  • Seek clarification from teachers about what constitutes plagiarism.
  • Seek remediation when their research skills are deficient.
  • Ensure that all their work is original and that they cite sources accurately and consistently.

Consequences For Academic Dishonesty

Solid evidence of academic dishonesty will result in a mark of zero for the test/examination/quiz or assignment in question. The opportunity to be re-evaluated on the material in question is forfeited. Additional consequences, including suspension at the discretion of the Principal/Vice-Principal, may be taken.

First Offence-A verbal warning. The student will re-submit the assignment to justify his/her knowledge and understanding. 

For Teachers: Use teachable moments and follow the given steps:

  • Have a conversation with the first-time plagiarizer and use this time as teachable moments to review with the student, the serious consequences and to inform that all their future work will be scrutinized very carefully (Hopefully students will not repeat the error and that’s the real learning).
  • Work with them to improve their confidence in expressing their own opinions rather than just copying someone else’s ideas. 
  • provide feedback/strategies to them to improve the level of their work and thus their preparedness.
  • Inform them that plagiarism can cost them their graduation and/or even scholarships. 
  • In the end, use your professional judgment and compassion to make an informed decision. You know your students better.

Second offense– Student will rewrite the test/assignment in a supervised environment and possible mark reduction or a mark of ZERO for the plagiarized portion. The teacher will provide the details of the plagiarized work to the principal, who will take further action.

Third Offence– the individual student’s work will be confiscated by the teacher and the student will be assigned a mark of “zero” for the entire essay, assignment, or project.

The teacher will provide the details of the plagiarism or cheating to the principal, who will withdraw the student from the course, with a subsequent loss of the credit and notify the student’s parents.

To ensure academic honesty and avoid instances of plagiarism, students are expected to:

  1. Seek clarification from teachers about what constitutes plagiarism.
  2. Seek remediation when your research skills are deficient.
  3. Ensure that all your work is original and that you cite sources accurately and consistently.


A series of videos have been posted on Microsoft Teams and every teacher is expected to show those videos in every class at the beginning of each semester and discuss the consequences to ensure every student understands the definition of plagiarism/academic dishonesty.

The topics of the videos are as follows:

  •             Video 1            Definition of Plagiarism.
  •             Video 2            consequences of plagiarism.
  •             Video 3            One on one counseling with the plagiarizer.
  •             Video 4            Group Discussions and ACADEMIC INTEGRITY QUIZ


The student may appeal, in writing, to the Principal/Vice-Principal. The Principal/Vice-Principal will consider the document(s) in question. The Principal/Vice-Principal may, if there is an extenuating circumstance, suggest an alternate assignment.


Updated Date: 2022-09-06